My photo
Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
My favorite thing is to ride my bike. This is where I am most inspired and creative. Oh, same for when i am about to go to bed as well... that really pisses me off! I have started keeping a notebook by the side of my bed because you never remember the ideas in the morning! Trying my hand at poetry. It's a great way to get shit off your chest!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Riots and that

the riots for me began with excitement,

proletariate uprising against the government

making history, a sensationalists Ideal

making a mockery of sir robert peel!

future generations rebelling in unison

domino attacks with no real reason

"fuck the police they can't touch us"

Across the UK this was the general consensus

Astounded at what I was hearing

these kids ideals were not endeering

looting and robbery violence so mindless

"I want that TV", shop keepers defenseless.

Sound bites memorised, plucked from the media.

the world's not black and white it's tone is more sepia.

Miss quotes used for justification

convenient media a tool of indoctrination

This isn't making a stand against oppression

it's a way of feeding greed, an unhealthy obssession

consumer goods the latest threads

we need to put a stop to this before it spreads

I'm 26, working part time and soon to be homeless

the future looks bleak, I soldier on regardless

no prospect of employment for the forseeable future

Dark dark times, no feeling of rapture

peaceful protest might be the answer

but they never listen, Cameron's a Wanker!

Honestly I have no political agenda.

the juxta postion is... my life in all its splendour!

times are dark I feel hard done by.

but lets stop whining and take a step back.


Listen and


compared to other countries...

England's a fucking holiday camp!

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