My photo
Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
My favorite thing is to ride my bike. This is where I am most inspired and creative. Oh, same for when i am about to go to bed as well... that really pisses me off! I have started keeping a notebook by the side of my bed because you never remember the ideas in the morning! Trying my hand at poetry. It's a great way to get shit off your chest!

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Expedition to a lesson that is already known.

So. Today i woke up, got ready and set off on my journey to a
lesson that i had ALREADY predicted the structure and
outcome (hand in a piece of work and then
DO ONE. I must add that I had already handed it in before today). My temptation was to fuck it off and have a productive day at home doing things that are frankly, more important.

Anyway. I arrived in my lesson greeted by hordes of evil adolescents speaking faux patois. My focus was simple. In, see what the teacher really had lined up for us, spend the necessary time doing, out and then home for a half day of productivity.

My prediction for the lesson was right and I spent a total of 10mins in the college. Pointless, especially after a 30min walk there and back.

OH WELL, I don't really know what I expected

I thought maybe in some amazing twist of fate that my pred
ictions would be so wrong that i would be shocked into
an otherwise dull lesson!

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